Montag, Mai 08, 2006

Blogspots > für Segler ein wahres El Dorado

Unglaublich, was man hier mit ein paar Klicks an interessantem Material finden kann. So klicke ich mich auf meiner Seite über "Propercourse" zu "Scott // Projectsomewhere" nach Australien und dann zu Moth Weltmeister Rohan Veal´s Homepage. Rohan, der mir kürzlich einen kleinen Film von den "fliegenden Motten" gemailt hatte, will jetzt mit einer Foiler Konstruktion den Geschwindigkeits Weltrekord auf dem Wasser holen. Die 50kn Marke soll mit seinem neuen Foiler Projekt geknackt werden. Unten ein kleiner Auzug aus der Homepage von Rohan Veal:

Wednesday 26 April, 2006 - IT'S BACK ON!!!
Got the word to head up to Sydney on Friday for another meeting with Sean Langman and Andy Dovell to discuss the world speed record attempt. Andy has nearly finished the boat design and is now working on testing it. Sean has also apparantly secured a factory to build the 40' long foiler hull and rig. At this stage we are planning to do the attempt near the runway on Botany Bay, but as mentioned in a recent interview with Sean in Australian Sailing, there will be three stages to get to the illusive 50 knots. At the moment we will be just focusing on stage 3 to prove the design and structure, ensuring that it can handle the stress and speeds. This will more than likely be done by towing the boat up to 35 knots or so and letting the super-cavitating foils kick in, taking it up to 50 knots - hopefully! Saftey and weight are also big issues, so I assume we will be looking at this closely on Friday as well. However I am not sure how much I can write about the whole project at this stage, but I will find out on Friday and either post a updates to this site or start up a new site. Stay tuned!

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