Freitag, September 28, 2007

Tillermeister, where are you?

Did I beat you on the line today putting again a zero behind my age. Leaving the "roaring" fifties? And the plan is to take part in a Laser-regatta on the weekend, to please you and my other readers. No, not thinking that I would be able to beat you in that department. Anyway, I have borrowed an older boat and prepped it yesterday. Will donate the "charter-fee" to the youth group in my club. Hope to be able to write about it.

The pity is that at present we have "land under". A storm from the north-east is sweeping through the north of Germany and our homewater has raised already 1.50m above zero. (NN = normal null in German) That means that most of the dinghies in the club started to drift away on their trailers or without. The trailers and boats which were not fastened to the ground. Two 29ers were catched, whilst drifting away. Lots of wood is on drift as well. Cars which were parked in the boatshed had water already on the cabinfloor. A rescue group from the club is underway and they do not want me to participate as it is my birthday. WTF, I will go out and look after the boats. This is my duty. Duty from the heart.

PS: This had been written on September 28th but due to the many activities on the day, I was unable to publish onto my blog. I have therefore altered the date. And I can tell you now, that I got more than my feet wet by doing some rescue work. More photos of the high water at: Hochwasser at Schlei Segel Club

Dienstag, September 25, 2007

Meine erste Motten Regatta. Racing with the Moth.

Regatta am Goldberger See.
Die Regatta war noch nicht beendet, da bestimmte Klassenkassi Burkhard bereits: "Du schreibst den Bericht". Keine Widerrede, ich kenne mich ja mit den Gepflogenheiten in der Motten Klasse nicht aus. Hatte noch Hoffnung, dass, wie in anderen Bootsklassen üblich, der zweite oder der dritte den Bericht schreibt. Hier nun fiel das Los bei vier Startern auf den vierten. Womit bereits die Katze aus dem Sack ist: 4 Starter in der Moth Klasse am Goldberger See. 4 Foiler. Sven, Burkhard, Leo und ich. Für mich war es die erste Regatta in der Klasse überhaupt und ein Test, ob ich überhaupt reif bin für die Bestenermittlung in Bad Zwischenahn. Den Test habe ich nicht bestanden, soviel vorweg aber es bleiben eventuell noch ein oder zwei Nachmittage zum üben. Und um die vielen guten Tipps von den anderen, erfahrenen Mothies zumindest im Versuch umzusetzen.

Wer es noch nicht weiß, der Goldberger See liegt in der Nähe von Plau oder auch Lübz. Entsprechend gut schmeckt dort das Bier, welches im niedrigen Meldegeld inkludiert ist. Natürlich auch ne Suppe und Bratkartoffeln und Fleisch nach der Regatta. Nach dem anstrengenden Flaute segeln. Und ein Haufen Sachpreise von Sponsoren wie CTM und International.

Start am Samstag pünktlich um 13.00h von Wettfahrtleiter Karsten "Vossi" und Jörg. 35 Boote in 3 Starts. Die Motten auf Wunsch im ersten Jollenstart. Dort trafen wir auf Scharpies, ne Z-Jolle (ellenlang), Seggerlinge, ne SZ Jolle, Conger und was weiß ich. Startschiff überaus begünstigt. Die erfahrenen Mothies drängeln mit SZ und Seggerlingen, ich versuche es mehr zur Mitte um dort möglichst sauber über die Linie zu kommen. Gelingt auch. Wenn ich das Gleichgewicht halte bei den Wackelbedingungen, fahre ich sogar mit. Mache einen langen Schlag auf BbBug, die erste Wende des Tages einigermaßen und habe 2 Motten im Fenster. Will noch kein Heck nehmen und wende bald danach wieder in einen vermeintlichen Dreher. Bleibe stehen, segel rückwärts, verheddere mich und bringe das Boot erst wieder in Fahrt, als auch alle Boote an mir vorbei sind. Dreieck, Schenkel, Dreieck. Der alte Kieler Woche Kurs ist abzusegeln. Ich versuche auf einem Schenkel eine Stehsegler Technik und kann zumindest den Abstand zu Leo, dem Drittplatzierten, halten. Sven und Burkhard versuchen es mit anspitzen, was bei dem flauen Wind auch nicht gut aussieht. Viel Weg und auch nicht schneller. Die Motten geraten vom Mittelfeld in´s hintere Drittel der Jollenfraktion. Hätte ich bloß mal mehr geübt bei Flaute. Diese Wackelei ist anstrengend. Immer wieder taucht der Leebalkon in´s Wasser. Das bremst. Auf dem letzten Dreieck schaffe ich es irgendwie mich an Leo ranzukämpfen. Wohl weil ich ne kleine Bö abbekomme. Lege an der letzten Marke clever um und bin jetzt innen und leicht vor ihm auf dem Weg zum Ziel. Könnte ein Anlieger werden. Hoffnung keimt auf, nicht letzter zu werden. Dann kippt das Boot über mir weg nach Luv. Ich kann mich irgendwie auf den Rumpf retten. Leo wendet weg, ich würde sonst wohl auf ihn drauf fallen. Bis ich das Boot aufgerichtet (schnell) und in Fahrt (langsam) habe, ist Leo über alle Berge und die Conger Jolle, letzte im Feld, pirscht sich an mich ran. Ich höre schon die Rufe und das Unken der "Segelfreunde": "jetzt holt ihn auch noch der Conger" (Nein, nicht von Mothies, die sind richtig nett gewesen und haben überhaupt nicht gelästert). Ich kämpfe mit dem Boot, mit dem nicht vorhandenen Wind und mit mir und schaffe gerade noch den Zieleinlauf vor dem Conger. Erste Wettfahrt überstanden. In der Pause werde ich von Kerstin, vom Seggerling aus, mit Käse und
Drink versorgt. Das baut mich wieder auf.

Die zweite Wettfahrt beginnt für mich ähnlich wie die erste. Nur das ich als dritte Motte an der Luvtonne ankomme. Leo hat sich beim Start fürchterlich am Startschiff verhaspelt. Ich kann ihn die ganze Zeit hinter mir halten, bis ich wieder an die letzte Bahnmarke komme. Mir gelingt noch ne ganz passable Rundung und die wohl letzte Wende des Tages und ich freue mich schon auf die Dusche, da passiert es wieder: Kenterung nach Luv. Dieses mal schaffe ich es nicht auf den Rumpf, muß in´s Wasser und bin danach nicht in der Lage, das Boot wieder sauber aufzurichten. Es fällt immer wieder über mich rüber. Es kommt auch keine Bö, die mir einen Wasserstart erlauben würde. So panisch werde ich, das ich nicht auf die Idee komme, das Segel unter Wasser zu drücken, um ein Gegengewicht zu haben, während ich auf´s Schwert klettere. Direkt auf den Rumpf zu klettern habe ich noch nicht versucht (Tipp von Burkhard), eventuell haben meine Wings zuviel Auftrieb und ich komme da gar nicht hoch. Jede Menge Übungsbedarf sehe ich hier. Und ich dachte immer, ich muß noch ca. 400 Wenden absolvieren, bin ich einigermaßen klarkomme. Jetzt auch noch zig Kenterungen und aufrichten üben. Dachte schon, diese Phase ist überstanden. Jedenfalls hatte ich Glück, es passierte in der Nähe des Ziels und mein Ruf wurde erhört und ich abgeborgen und mit einem Wing, fest auf dem Schlauchboot sitzend, zum Takelplatz zurück gefahren. So wurde ich wieder letzter und Leo konnte seinen dritten
Platz halten. Sven gewann die Regatta, Burkhard wurde zweiter. In der Yardstick Wertung konnten die Motten nichts reißen. Mit Foils bei Flaute scheint irgendwie langsam zu sein. Und mir wurde noch erzählt, daß ohne Foils bei Flaute das Boot noch viel ranker ist. Kann ich mir ehrlich gesagt gar nicht vorstellen. Ist schon so bei Flaute schlimm und ne Luvkenterung wohl mit das schlimmste überhaupt. Es kann mich aber nicht abschrecken. Die Technik, soviel neues zu lernen, die Jungs, alles richtig nett und anspruchsvoll. Ich komme wieder.

Abspann: Abends ein nettes Essen, Lagerfeuerromantik und Feuerwerk. Sonntag herrlicher Sonnenschein aber noch weniger Wind und keine Wettfahrt mehr. Launige Preisverteilung vom Veranstalter Eckard Pagel und seiner Crew und auf jeden Fall findet der 5. Goldberger See Cup wieder im September statt. Vielleicht mit Wind und etwas mehr Motten. Ideal ist der Platz zum takeln und slippen und ganz kurz gefoilt wurde auch. Von Leo vor den Wettfahrten und von Sven nach den Wettfahrten. So konnten die anderen Jollen zumindest das Potential ahnen, was in diesen kleinen Jollen steckt. Es gibt ja immer noch viele, die das nie gesehen haben und gar nicht glauben können.

Mittwoch, September 19, 2007

Again the wind a bit strong...

Tried to practise again on the Wedenesday afternoon with the Bladerider. The beer-can-racers where out with mostly a first reef and their number 3 jibs. It was OK on the upwind but going downwind it was tough. Fast and scary. I had to bail out. Undid the wand mechanism and sailed home. Downwind in Lowrider mode. Did not want to break anything on the boat or myself before the weekends regatta at Goldberg. Started packing up, checked that I should also bring the Segger Dinghy for a friend to participate and race with Kerstin. Looking forward to a dinghy-race weekend and meeting with friends.

Stormy Weather - one for the Windsurfers...

Yesterday night in bed, when I read the latest issue of the German Yacht Magazine, I came across an article about classic yachts and how they should be transformed into practicale boats today. Restoration projects like the classic "J" boats, new building projects from the same rule and smaller yachts of course. One particular boat got my interest. "Stormy Weather". Haven´I seen this one in the Med last December when participating in the regatta in Antibes? Are there two examples of "Stormies" now, this well known cruiser/racer from the famous S & S design board? I will try to find out.

Anyway, "Stormy Weather" is what we had last weekend. Instead of practising with the Bladerider, where I have a clear goal of not becoming last boat at their class championship mid of October, I skipped the idea of breaking gear within 20sec after launching the boat. Not going out on the water was also not a good idea and I unpacked my good old slalom gear ("no whips and chains, buy slalom gear" - as Ken Winner once said in the early eighties) which was stowed away for two consecutive summers. The board being a 2,65 slalom from Litewave, Cornwall and the sails are Simmer Style. I took the 4,7 which was a handful in the strong gusts channeling down the Schlei at the "narrow" in front of my lawn. But is was all fun. The power jibes went smooth and smoother even with wind from the right side, which normally and in the old days at our favourite spots came from the left. I thought myself that this is like riding a bike. Once you are able to manage it, you do not forget it. But you loose power, stamina and physical strength for this sport if you are not practising it. 2 sessions went very well, in the second one: "I did not even got my hair wet". After another pause, I met a neighbor whom´s son is into windsurfing and whom had gone to a different spot in the morning. We discussed a little bit and he wanted to see me doing it. At least this is what I felt during our discussion. The wind had dropped a bit and there were holes. Still above 4 Bft but my board being a non volume board (sinker) and even sinking deeper in fresh water other than salt water and my sail was fully battened and "small". But I did the mistake of not trusting my gut feeling. I went out. Did well on the first leg, jibed well, catched a wave, lot´s of speed and than in the middle of the playing field the wind dropped and I sank. Had to swim in all the way with my gear. Not once getting back up on the board. Had to carry the gear a long way home. Felt the tired muscles and bones all through Sunday. A good day out but tiresome.

Sonntag, September 09, 2007

Taking Off...

Just wanted to check the weather via the homepage of my local sailing club, Schlei-Segel-Club, who have a good link to the local weather station. Uhhps, I came across some nice shots of myself on the Bladerider. Someone must have taken these during my last Bladerider practice session. They named it: " Abgehoben" which could be translated into "taking off". Hompepage Schlei Segel Club And YEAH! that´s what I want to do today after doing some homework around the house. Sun is shinning, Bft. 4 at present, gusting from the north, but later shifting into the west. See you out there!

Freitag, September 07, 2007

Moth Adventures

Blogging had been quiet at the Moth front with our Bladerider, though it seems that at present I am the only one to put energy into getting some hours on the boat, GER-3170, lately. Let me sum up the last adventures. The picture shows me on my first day out. Style has improved a lot since than... ;-))

Last week on Wednesday evening there appeared a good chance for sailing though it was already around 18.00h but the breeze was cooperating. Nice 8-10kn of wind on my homewater (if there is such). I blasted around on foils, "impressing" my sailing friends who were doing the "beer can race". Lot´s of fun. Big grin. Of course I tried to sail the race as well but did not want to get into their way as capsizing the Moth is still happening in the worst moments with me. There had been a Europe dinghy and a Formula Board in the fleet of normally X-99s, X-79s, H-boats, Folkboats and others. Going to windward, not as high as the bigger boats and falling into their wind shadows did hurt. Capsizing of course. I avoided the crowded mark rounding and tried to set myself up for a nice downwind run. Got flying but could not make good VMG to leeward. Lowrider jibing still critical and afterwards nearly going into the wind to get flying did not help either. The Formula Board was long gone as well as the fleet under spinnaker. Some lulls cost me more distance and I was neck to neck with the Europe. The wind had dropped and I could not even sail as low and fast as young Adrian did. My lowriding ability not being good enough to match him. I stayed off the race course got back were there was more wind due to the impacting effect on the narrow and blasted around on foils. 16-18kn on the Velocitek not being a problem. Practising my downwind skills.

I went out again on the Thursday full of energy from the day before but it was windy and shifty, wind from the North over the narrow and the fun factor was nearly down to zero. I am not yet able to handle the gusts. I limped home, my ego was broken for the evening due to the many capsizes.

Wednesday evening this week I gave it another try. Fully motivated it was a nice evening out there with some tacks and jibes but all maneuvers need much, much more improvement. I am very grateful for the tips from Koos ( as usual. He writes it up in such a nice way. I wasn´t ready to cope with the downwind speed of the beer can racers again as I did not get the BR flying in the dying evening breeze. With maybe 20kg less weight it could have been possible but than, being 190cm tall, I already have to watch to keep a certain weight instead of loosing more. Nevertheless in the narrow I met with my regular Bull crew, Jan, who was sailing his 14 (footer dinghy) and there were times when I could cope with his upwind speed, just about. But it got late already, the breeze died and I had to sail home. Downwind it was another slow go. I undid the wand to increase speed a bit. Being alone at the club and wanting to take the daggerboard out of the boat it was impossible. Really impossible. Some sand must have got in between the very narrow and fitting box. I had to strip the rig from the boat in the water and had to carry the boat with centerboard/foil ashore, where I laid it upside down on the cover into the club. It was getting dark and I had promised to do some household work before going out sailing. Bloody me. Lot´s of water and wash lotion helped me to get the board out next day and I can only recommend to wash or splash water into the slot before attaching the boards. As with any dinghy...I know! Stupid me.

Yesterday I went out again for an hour of nice foiling. I met the youngsters in their 29ers and could match their speed up-and downwind, as long as I was able to foil. Nice! My shoulder gave me problems after some tough hiking (why the shoulder?) and Veel-heel but it was another "happy" evening. The youngsters wanted to give the BR a try but due to the maintenance work which has to be done afterwards, especially when newbies are sailing the boat and maybe hitting some underwater object in the area, I am not fond of this idea at present. It might change with time. Thinking back, nobody had ever let me have a go e.g. on his DN iceboat or his FD and I had to work hard to buy myself into it in my mid twenties. Times have changed and these 17 years old, sailing a club 29er, are just used to ask for (and get?) everything and I hope that they are also used to accept a NO.

Dienstag, September 04, 2007

25. Schifffahrtsregatta - what an event!

The Schifffahrtsregatta had been sailed for the 25th time this year and the organisers promised a unique event to celebrate not only the anniversary but also Peter Gast, the founder and organiser of this private event. Yes a private event, not organized by a sailing club or other organisation but by Peter Gast and his employees in his shipping company. It is supposed to be a friendly event between people working in shipping and banking. The entry list reads like the international "who is who" in shipping and ship financing. People from 15 nations took part as far away as from China. The regatta is held annually at the first weekend in September and the waiting list for participants is long. This year the promoters allowed 140 yachts to take part. Famous German Racing Yachts like "Outsider", UCA and others came to sail and celebrate. In the evening abt 1450 people, all dressed up in dark jackets, many with the odd Cowes trousers took part in the traditional walk through the village of Aeroskøbing on the beautiful island of Åro in the south of Denmark.

The evening before the start usually sees big parties in various locations along the banks of the Schlei. Kappeln and Maasholm are in the center of action and the marinas are fully packed with all the beautiful yachts, ranging from many Swans to X-Yachts, Dehler, HANSE, Baltic and other manufacturers who have cruiser/racers in their program. This time there was also a "classic division" as some ship owners keep beautiful classics on the water.

Nevertheless all the partying and get together for people from the same trade usually finds an end on the Friday night around midnight as the regatta, which usually is around 30sm, can be strenuous. And the first start takes place exactly at 09.00h out on the Baltic Sea with a short windward leg and than around some buoys or markers. I wanted to track the course to show you here (and to learn how to do it in Google Earth) but forgot at home to change the "road" chip into the "sea" chip in my Garmin GPS. It was our turn in the IMS group B to have the third start. With four guests on board we were a bit overloaded on the 36 footer with eight people and Kerstin had a handful to organize them. We managed the start quite well but I lost track about my strategic plan. Wanted to tack early as the course was not laid even but got sucked behind a bigger Swan who sailed us out to the left, overstanding the mark by "miles". A tight reach with a 110 percent Jib is not the best course, though we do a lot of barberhauling (out) but boats with big headsails have a clear advantage. Our goal was set on beating a friend on his much modified Swan 48, usually the winner in this IMS class. Whilst he and others sailed a leebow, (?) we tried to catch more breeze with a windward curve and managed to stay not too far away from the leaders in our group. A 6sm upwind put us back into contact and than a long reach with some dying breeze. We hoisted our Code Zero sail which works nice from 45° to 90° apparent wind and were able to pass the Swan and came very close to a nice 40 footer were an old rival of mine from the H-Boat times did sail on.

The wind shifted to the right, we had to hoist the Jib and by barberhauling it we broke the Frederiksen car off from the track. I haven´t seen this before on any boat but two strong guys winching the ropes in managed it. Oh dear, I should have given better and more precise instructions. The provisional repair involved three people on the foredeck with different meanings about how to do it and at the end our 40 footer friends had done a horizon job on us. The repair could not be made on board and we rigged some lines to just pull in the sheet a bit. At the next turning point we could hoist the spinnaker and tried to get some meters back which was rather difficult. We were only able to etch away from the Swan due to finding better pressure closer to the shore. at the end we only managed an 11th out of 14 boats. Results can be found on: My boat is still "Samantha" the Dehler 36db though my charter had put his name in as skipper. He is the one who brings in the invitation to this much admired regatta.

The party in the evening was outstanding. Illuminated tents, fine dishes and Food, Drinks, Speeches, the various Video clips from past and present, the Music, the Fireworks and the atmosphere. Can you imagine that the organisers had to bring 28 trucksloads to the Danish island where the reguar ferry can only carry three 35ts trucks at a time. All this let you forget that you said to yourself in the moments of trouble and braking parts on your own boat: never again on my boat.

The next day the wind had increased to Bft 6-7 right in the eye and it was a long way home against the wind. Starting with full main we ended up in second reef, all people on board a bit wet and tired but happy from a great weekend. See you again at Schifffahrtsregatta 2008.

Picture 1 shows us leaving the harbour of Åroskøbing. Pic 2 the procession of boats out of the Schlei--Fjord and Pic 3 the tugboat changed into regatta duties.