Mittwoch, Januar 18, 2006

DN - Deutsche Meisterschaft 2006

Habe mir erlaubt einen "Fotobericht" von Kerstin, DN G-990, der auch auf der Eissegelseite (siehe Link) erschienen ist, hier einzustellen. Hatte selbst soviel mit meiner Ausrüstung zu tun, daß an schreiben nicht zu denken war.
>>Hallo Dietmar, ein Hallo an die Eissegler,
habe am Wochenende in Malchin so einige Eindrücke mit der Kamera eingefangen und schnell konzentriert zusammen geschoben.
Ich habe noch nie so viele Eissegler auf einem Haufen gesehen und war … bin immer noch schwer beeindruckt von diesem Aufgebot und der super Atmosphäre.
... die vielen weißen Segel auf der schwarzen Eisfläche, die gute Stimmung, die freundlichen Bewohner der Gegend, das sonnige Wetter…
die Herausforderung – leichter Wind, das Handicap „Enten…“ für manch eine Kufe…

Euch Eisseglern immer schnelle Kufen!
Bis zum nächsten mal, Kerstin<<

Montag, Januar 09, 2006

Sailing my RS700 in Dubai

During 6th to 13th of January I travelled again to Dubai for business and pleasure. My business went successful with meetings of the Victory Team and seeing the V1 30footers in production as well as the moulds for their 60ft cruiser and 80ft ocean greyhound. Very impressive these moulds.

I had enough time to spend the afternoon sailing with the RS700 which is based in the Dubai Offshore Sailing Club. A nice place to have your boat. actually we have two RS700 at our disposal. Kerstin joined me and she showed again that she is much better on the wire and fears no capsize with these boats. I had actually seen her centerboard being 1/3 out of the water whilst she was out on the trapeze with the gennaker up in full blast mode. Very impressive. A pity, that I am not able to take shots in the heat of the action.

The water in Dubai had been around 24°C and though I did not capzize this time, I am sure it will happen again. The experts say you have to have a 100 capzises until you are going well. I only have done 6 or 7 so far. Lot´s more to go. But I love to sail this boat. It is great out on the wire whilst beating upwind in a nice breeze and little chop. Going out on the wire with the gennaker up is not my favourite thing to do at present. Must get these boats to Germany for more practice time.